Libby Schecher, L.Ac.
Every person's healing path is unique. Mine is no exception. I was raised in a family of engineers, mechanics, farmers and architects. My parents were transplanted Missouri farmers with a loving but pragmatic and skeptical view of the world. As a young girl, I was interested in philosophy, religion, nature and the feeling and relational tones of life. Reconciling the pragmatic and the spiritual was not something I learned was possible until experiencing Five Element acupuncture in my early thirties. Over the past thirty years, I have seen how physical and emotional issues are often two faces of the same desire to find our way back to innate and original wholeness. For me, the path of healing has been both pragmatic, as it addressed my symptoms, and transformative, as it helped me develop a more authentic and meaningful life.
I welcome the opportunity to talk to you about your life and health.
Academic Background
B.A. Philosophy (1983) Montana State University
B.S. Chemical Engineering (1983) Montana State University
M.S. Chemical Engineering (1990) Syracuse University
M.Ac. Acupuncture (2009) Academy for Five Element Acupuncture
Nature. My interest in Nature has been sustaining and lifelong. From backpacking in the central Appalachian mountains as a girl, to working as a surveyor and forest fire fighter in northwestern Montana as a young woman, to having the privilege to live in beautiful Maine in my adulthood - being in the natural world gives me a sense of orientation, communion, wonder, hopefulness and peace. With its roots in Nature-based philosophies, Classical Five Element acupuncture is a perfect fit for me as both patient and practitioner.
Analytical Psychology. For over 30 years, I've cultivated my interest in Carl Jung's Analytical Psychology as student, analysand and, for several years, as coordinator of the C.G. Jung Center for Studies in Analytical Psychology in Brunswick, Maine. It was a great relief to discover Jung's concept of Individuation, a process which involves an ever-increasing familiarity with our own unique, psychological reality, including our personal strengths and limitations. By getting to know the light and shadow aspects of our makeup, rather than simply overcoming our personality or attempting to become perfect, we get to know ourselves deeply, in our fullness. And through that process we have the chance to gain understanding, acceptance and appreciation of ourselves and humanity in general. As in Classical Five Element acupuncture, the emphasis in Analytical Psychology is on wholeness rather than perfection - I find the idea both comforting and liberating.